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Total : $ 15.00
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Estimated Total : $ 15.00

Personalize your memories with wood prints.
Making Memories on Wood
Imagine your precious memories in nature, not just a photo. Hitech Albums creates unique custom wood prints from your favorite images, blending art and nature.

A conversation starter
Have you ever wanted your home design to spark a conversation? Transferring photos to wood makes them works of art. Our wood prints lend rustic elegance and sophistication to any decor, whether they're family portraits, magnificent landscapes, or candid moments.

The Process Magic
At Hitech Albums, we make ordinary things spectacular. Upload your photo, and watch us carefully transfer it to wood. Our sophisticated processes preserve every detail, creating brilliant and enduring wood photo prints as unique as your memories.

The Ideal Gift
Looking for a unique gift? Answer: custom wood prints. Surprise loved ones with beautiful personalized wood prints. These prints are timeless gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because.

Art for the environment
Our environmental and quality commitments are equal. We utilize sustainable wood, so your personalized wood prints look and feel great. Wood-framed art is beautiful and eco-friendly.

Improve your decor
Ready to update your home decor? Discover the timeless beauty of Hitech Albums' custom wood prints. Wood print paintings bring nature into your home. To experience photo-to-wood magic, order today.

  • Sizes :  From 4x6" to 40x60"
  • Hanging hardware :  Cleat Hanger
  • Orientation :  Horizontal and vertical
  • Care :  Do not use chemicals, cleaners, or abrasive cloths
  • Mail for me : Yes
  • Modify Design : Yes

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